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Looking back over 2011

Today is the last day of 2011 and now is a good chance to reflect on the year we leave behind. Each year the Japanese choose a kanji character that best reflects the year. For 2011, it was 絆, "kizuna" which translates as "bond" or "connection". I think it was a good choice and better than some of the obvious alternative choices that are associated with the disasters in Japan this year. While the earthquake, tsunamis and nuclear accidents were the biggest news items, the effect on the Japanese society and the support from the rest of the world certainly strengthened bonds.

For me, this was a year of adjustment, realization and a chance to look ahead. 3/11 had a profound effect on me and my feelings about life in Japan. For the ensuing days after the quake and tsunami, information was scarce, people were fleeing Japan and the outcome at Fukushima was uncertain. Yet, I steadfastly refused to leave Japan and all that was important to me. Besides, where would I go? There were a couple of days when I wondered if one or more of the reactors at Fukushima does melt down and the workers evacuate... Tokyo will be in a lot of trouble. But where would 30 million people go for shelter? Thankfully, the worst never happened but I was quietly content with my inner feelings of resolution.

We have had a couple of close calls with our cats in the past but age started to catch up with them this year. Shortly after 3/11, Spago developed a pancreatic condition that required him to spend about two weeks in the clinic. Many trips to the clinic, daily steroid medication and saline injections kept us on the edge for months. Just as soon as he was stabilized, Bice got sick and her spleen and pancreas seemed to be shutting down. She spent some time at the clinic and the vet was not optimistic at all. Then, on one of my daily visits to see Bice, the vet was speechless to explain that she seemed to recovering at an amazing pace. She had taken a beating through it all but was soon on medications. A further diagnosis later in the year determined she was diabetic and we were trained on twice-daily insulin injections.

All of this excitement put a damper on my business travel and Yoshiko steadfastly refused to take any overseas travel in order to remain close to the cats and her mother. I sense it will be some time before we will be able to travel together but we have fond memories of travels over the years. Work was busy due to the United-Continental merger. I am on contract until the end of 2012 but watching the company closely to determine if 2012 will bring the necessary challenges to the work. I am getting itchy for bigger and broader challenges.

I will say that 2011 was a memorable year and not one soon to be forgotten. Many interesting experiences, a number of life lessons learned and one more year to be thankful for family, friends and my health. I have a strange and unexplainable dislike for odd-numbered year so I am ready to welcome 2012.

Happy New Year!

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