Return of the Sweet Tooth
Starting from early last month I gave up alcohol. Full and complete stop. So far, so good. I have noticed a return of cravings for sweets...
Week 1
It has been one week since we moved to our new condo. I took the photo above during my early morning walk along NE Marine Drive. It is...
Day 2: Unpacking
Yesterday was a dawn 'til dusk effort to move out of our rental condo and into our new home. Today was unpacking, organizing and getting...
Our new home in Vancouver
Contractually we were scheduled to receive the keys to our new condo yesterday (Thursday) but the confirmation of property transfer from...
Engine Data
I recently discovered an interesting feature on our new Mercedes AMG C63 S. I was digging through the menus in the infotainment center...
One week to go. The "home stretch".
One week from today, if everything goes as planned, we will have possession of our new condo here in Vancouver. I have booked the movers...
First solo drive
This afternoon Yoshiko made her first solo drive in Vancouver in our car. She drove to my uncle's home nearby for an English and Japanese...
Accountant Approved Condo
This weekend our accountants from Tokyo were in Vancouver and we took them to see the location of our new condo. While the rest of...
Welcome to 2016!
Happy New Year! We are thankful for everything in 2015, especially our successful relocation to Vancouver and all the support of friends...