Outdoors with Spago
This weekend was unique. We have been experiencing a wonderful autumn this year in Vancouver and the colors in the trees have been...
Shingles Vaccine
Today I got a shingles vaccination upon the recommendation earlier this month from my pharmacist. Zostavax II in 0.65ml. Not cheap. $226...
Autumn colors
The beautiful autumn colors have continued this week against our challenging week with Yoshiko's neck pain. But she is getting better. We...
Calculus and Algebra
I have started to read books (study time!) about Calculus and Algebra to determine if there is even the slightest chance I could pursue...
Pursuing post-secondary education
I am proud of my career achievements and acknowledge they were a result of hard work, passion and discipline. And some good luck. But...
Flu shot today
I got my flu shot this afternoon at a local pharmacy. Very uneventful as usual except the female pharmacist insisting I remove my shirt...
Travelers Checks
Travelers checks were a common form of currency years ago for the international traveler. Credit cards were less frequently used and...
Unable to travel... not so bad
As a result of many factors, my wife Yoshiko and I are unable to travel together for a vacation. In fact, we haven't been on a real...
Parking entrance signage
Today I completed an important project at our condo building... one I have been pursuing for at least six months. It involved the signage...
Today I took Yoshiko to see a film at the Vancouver International Film Festival. I have hesitated to take her to movies in Vancouver...