Day trip to Steveston
We made the trek to Steveston today, as promised to one of Yoshiko's classmates who is studying here from Hokkaido. It was a rainy morning and didn't improve at all when we arrived. Steveston village is a historic salmon canning centre at the mouth of the South Arm of the Fraser River, on the southwest tip of Lulu Island in Richmond. It has historical connections with the local Japanese community.
We walked along the docks and see what the fishing boats were selling. I noticed a large seal in the water. It appeared to be not moving and I feared it might be ill. Then a fisherman took out a fish and waved it about a meter over the water. The seal sprang from the water and grabbed the fish. Lots of surprised faces from the onlookers.
As the rain and cold intensified, we opted for shelter inside a restaurant for lunch. Seated outside was a young Girl Guide selling cookies on a bench. Yoshiko was first to be overwhelmed with her situation. I was shortly thereafter. It turns out she was the daughter of the restaurant owner, who kept a close eye on her from the kitchen.