Driver's License Found
Early this morning Yoshiko and I were walking through the UBC grounds behind the Museum of Anthropology for our morning walk. I found a driver's license on the ground and picked it up. It appeared to have been dropped recently but no evidence of the owner except the information on the card.
I couldn't think of anywhere on campus to take the card where the owner would go to retrieve it. Moreover, I thought (she) would quickly report it lost and request a replacement.
Upon arriving at home I did a quick internet search based on the name on the card to see if I could contact (her) via social media. I found one listing on Facebook in Vancouver but not enough information to verify the match.
I decided to use to stay with a simple solution. I put the card in an envelope and mailed it to the address on the card. I did not include any information about myself. She will either appreciate the gesture and save her a lot of work. Or it was too late and a replacement was ordered.
Either way, it was my Boy Scout moment for today.