Volunteering at Fall Classic Run
This morning was the Fall Classic Run, Vancouver's final marathon run of the year and held at UBC. The events included a half-marathon, 10K and 5K runs. And I was a volunteer.
I joined as a volunteer rather late. I found out about the event last week through community notices and investigated details through their website. I thought I would be a good local citizen if I supported their efforts, especially since it was all close to home.
I arose at 5:30 AM and was at the course within ten minutes. The weather did not look promising at that time and only got worse with wind and rain. I signed up to be a Course Marshall and the rest of our group consisted of mainly high school students. I significantly brought up the average age of our group!
Initially I was placed along the race route with the others but, at the last minute, was reassigned to a location away from the course where I directed traffic away from the course. I was a traffic cop but also an information guide. Many people stopped to ask for directions, etc. Sometimes my intersection was very busy and other times I was all alone.
The rain stopped around the same time as the run ended. I came home to a hot shower and some relaxation. I enjoy participating in my neighborhood.