Twenty-fourth Anniversary
Every year Yoshiko and I celebrate two anniversaries. November 23 is the day in 1993 when we met each at an unexpected rendezvous at the Four Seasons in Tokyo. I still remember that evening twenty-four years ago and returning "home" feeling confident I had met someone very special.
I proposed to her exactly five years later.
Tonight we returned to a favorite restaurant in Vancouver, West for dinner. We went there in 2015, shortly after we arrived in Vancouver for the same celebration. Again this year they did not disappoint us.
The opportunities for us to dine out recently have diminished as our cat Spago has grown increasingly old and needs around-the-clock care. But life is meant to be lived and we do our best. We do it to the best of our capacities. Quality, not quantity.
Happy Anniversary Yoshiko. Next celebration is 19 years on December 25.