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Tetanus Booster Shot

On Sunday afternoon our strata council did a refresher walk around the property to review emergency procedures. While "manhandling" the garage entry gate I managed to cut my finger on a rusty cable. Lots of blood but not serious. I cleaned it well and applied a bandage.

Upon the advice of a physician in our building, today I visited a local pharmacy to get a tetanus booster shot since I could not remember the last one I received. The pharmacy was located on the UBC campus and I went there at the end of my morning walk.

The person who gave me the injection was a fourth-year pharmacutical student, working for experience. The procedure was supervised by the primary pharmacist on duty.

I completed the usual questionnaire and answered many questions in advance. I told her I was not afraid of needles and either arm is okay. I was told the area of injection could be painful for several days afterward. They recommended my left arm since I am right-handed.

A completely painless injection and since then... no pain at all in that area.

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