Goodbye iPhone 6s
Over the past few days I noticed some unusual behavior with my iPhone 6S. This is the phone I got in 2015 upon my arrival in Vancouver. It has served me well enough to resist trading up to the models introduced in the ensuing years. That included the latest XS and XR models that Apple is having problems selling.
Last night I plugged in my phone as usual... only to discover this morning the battery had not charged. I tried a different charger but the phone would not hold a charge.
Off to the Telus store to get things right. This is a phone, not life insurance. I looked briefly at the iPhone 7 and 8 models (gathering dust) and then the new XS and XR models. Even the staff assisting me was unable to convince me of the value of the XS. So I left with a white XR.
And so begins the next chapter in my Apple user experience. One that began with the Apple LISA in 1983.