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Infected thumb

Around 1:00 AM I awoke in pain from my right thumb. It was a constant throbbing pain, swollen and very warm. I was puzzled. I couldn't remember injuring it the day before in any way. I was able to move it so I didn't think it could be broken or sprained. To me, based on my experiences, it was an infection. But how?

Then I remembered giving medicine to Spago, our cat, the night before. He needs a total of six different medicines in the evenings and isn't a very cooperative cat in the process. I usually need to hold him, open his mouth and drop the medicines into the back of his mouth. He does he best to spit out the medicines and/or bite my fingers.

I found a small puncture mark on my thumb and realized he gave me a light bite, Cats' teeth are not always perfectly clean and likely that is how the infection started.

With pain not subsiding I toyed with the idea of going to a hospital. Instead I took a single ibuprofen and got a cold can of soda from the fridge to hold in my hand. About an hour later I was able to get back to sleep. This morning it seems better but watching it closely. And this morning I very carefully gave Spago his medicine!

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