Missing Spago
This has been a difficult week following the loss of Spago on Monday evening. I have tried to stay busy with various projects but my mind...
Spago Cheriton, 1996-2017
Spago passed away tonight in my arms at age 21. Yoshiko and I held him and talked to him about his importance in our lives. And we cried....
Going against advice for Spago
Over the past month it has become painfully obvious that our 21-year old cat Spago is in his final stages of life. He is unable to stand...
Amazing fortitude
The past couple of weeks have been a challenge for us as Spago's condition has deteriorated noticeably. We conferred with his vet and we...
Unable to travel... not so bad
As a result of many factors, my wife Yoshiko and I are unable to travel together for a vacation. In fact, we haven't been on a real...
Spago and I alone
Yoshiko is in Tokyo this month and Spago are keeping each other company. It isn't a case of me just taking care of him. We take care of...
Infected thumb
Around 1:00 AM I awoke in pain from my right thumb. It was a constant throbbing pain, swollen and very warm. I was puzzled. I couldn't...
Spago's Daily Injection- Solo
My wife is in Tokyo this month and left Spago and I to survive on our own. One of his primary medical needs is a daily subcutaneously...
Another Spago incident
After enjoying several days with his visiting aunts, Spago suddenly became ill yesterday and threw me into a panic. Yoshiko is still in...
Spago's check up
Spago returned to the vet today for a scheduled blood pressure and blood test. His weight is stable and his attentive vet, Dr. Chan says...