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Going against advice for Spago

Over the past month it has become painfully obvious that our 21-year old cat Spago is in his final stages of life. He is unable to stand up nor walk. He cannot use his litter box. We have to hand feed him with a liquid diet. He is more or less completely blind. We take turns staying with him overnight to change the pads under him in his bed and to feed him every three to four hours.

None of this is easy but it is part of the responsibility of being a pet owner.

I have been surprised at the number of people, including Spago's vet, who have suggested we consider euthanasia for Spago. When I describe our situation, many people respond with something like, "I wouldn't/couldn't do it. You should just let him die".

We know euthanasia is an option to us. But for us it would be something we would do only if Spago was in pain and suffering. He still enjoys snuggling with each of us and purrs loudly when held. And he puts up with the daily LRS injections, which we have been administrating for several years.

Someday soon he will know or we will know when enough is enough. In the meantime we will make him as comfortable as possible and give him all the love and attention he deserves.

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