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Final night in Tokyo

It has been a busy day of final arrangements here in Tokyo before we return to Vancouver tomorrow night. Since arriving two weeks ago we have been attending to sorting through the belongings in our condo here and deciding... what stays and what goes. In the process we had to figure out what we could/should take to Vancouver. Easier said than done.

We had an initially couple of days to set aside items we wanted to take with us. Then to figure out how we would get them home. Some items would fit into our luggage, especially fragile and important items. But there were many items that would need to be shipped.

Yoshiko determined the best option would be the international shipping service, EMS, offered by Japan Post. We set aside three boxes and packed and unpacked them several times, always conscious of the weight and dimension restrictions.

This morning we called to get the boxes picked up and discovered we needed to be very detailed in the area of content descriptions in the customs forms. So we postponed lunch, reopened the boxes and set out to document everything we are sending.

The sun is setting and still no sign of the post office pick up. I will be glad when we are on the plane tomorrow night and heading home. I expect to pick up the action later when the boxes are in Canada.

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