Home to Tokyo and Home to Vancouver
This week I made a quick trip back "home" to Tokyo. I call it a home because I spent 23 years in Japan, met my wife Yoshiko there and had...
Home from Tokyo
This afternoon I arrived home from a four-day trip to Tokyo. It was good to be back in my "second home" although strange not to have...
Home bound
We are homeward bound tonight after more than two weeks in Tokyo. An overnight flight from Haneda tonight. I can't say we accomplished...
Final night in Tokyo
It has been a busy day of final arrangements here in Tokyo before we return to Vancouver tomorrow night. Since arriving two weeks ago we...
Snow in Tokyo
Sometime yesterday afternoon, as forecasted, it started to snow here in Tokyo. And it didn't let up until sometime overnight. We awoke to...
Day 2 home in Tokyo
It is Day 2 of our trip "home" to Tokyo to work on our condo here. We came to the condo yesterday together for the first time since July...
Tokyo bound
Today Yoshiko and I are departing for Tokyo. We arrived in Vancouver two and a half years ago and this is the first opportunity for us to...
#41 Buses in Edmonton, Tokyo and Vancouver
Growing up in Edmonton I frequently used the bus service and the closest route to our home in Belgravia was the #41 bus (originally the...
Home from Tokyo
I arrived home today from a quick five-day trip to Tokyo. Tired but I got done most of the items on my list. I spent most of the time...
Selling my car
Today I sold my car in preparation for our move to Vancouver later this week. I bought this Mercedes-Benz S500 in 2007, my third car in...