Preparing our neighbors for the renovations
Next week we start on our renovations. Initially the work is expected to be noisy as we rip up the wood floors in preparation for...
Condo Camera
Months ago I purchased Logitech Circle 2 security camera and most of the accessories. Why? I don't know but I thought it might be useful...
Energy savings in one year
Last January our electricity supplier, BC Hydro, offered a cash reward if customers could reduce their power usage by at least 10% over...
Day 2 home in Tokyo
It is Day 2 of our trip "home" to Tokyo to work on our condo here. We came to the condo yesterday together for the first time since July...
Control-Alt-Delete Cups
I bought these Ctrl-Alt-Del cups when we moved into our Vancouver condo. They sit on the kitchen counter in plain view of our visiting...
Parking entrance signage
Today I completed an important project at our condo building... one I have been pursuing for at least six months. It involved the signage...
A happy Thanksgiving
We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving this evening with our neighbors and close friends, David and Ann. Once again this year I pre-ordered...
Visiting sister
This week my sister Mary from Calgary visited us; her second visit since we moved to Vancouver. We enjoy hosting visitors to our condo...
Two year celebration in Vancouver
Today we celebrated the two-year anniversary of our arrival in Canada with an open house for family and friends. We invited family,...
Sleeping outside
Last night I slept outside on the patio in a sleeping bag. A different but not necessarily a great experience. I have always enjoyed...